Monday, January 09, 2006

There was a good column in the New York Times yesterday regarding the international baseball tournament and the US's refusal to grant entrance visas to the athletes from Cuba. This is hardly the first time this has happened. Ranging from musicians to athletes to scholars to artists, Cubans have been refused entry even for a few days. The rationale offered is that this prevents US money from being accumulated by the "Castro regime." Baseball is almost sacred in Cuba. Fidle Castro had a try-out with the Cleveland Indians, had he a better fast ball history might have been considerably different. Everywhere one sees kids playing stickball. A piece of scrap lumber and a ball made of paper and then wound heavily with duct tape. If you should go to Cuba, throw i a couple of balls-rubber, baseballs, tennis balls whatever into your bag, you will make a good friend with such a simple thing.

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