Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Old Men

Old revolutionaries still hang around in Cuba. This was in the entrance to a boxing ring and training facility in Old Havana. I liked the entire scene-the light, the bust of Marti, and the old man asleep in his chair. I find the concept of revolution intriguing. All of us pass through a stage of revolt against authority. The USA would not exist if the early Patriots had not felt the urge to revolt against the heavy handed tactics of King George. I think it is what one does with the spoils of revolution that makes the real difference. The sudden changes and the threats of destroying so many people were a huge tactical error for the Castro regime after their successful revolution I think. The country was left with as group of amateurs to run it. It is no wonder the economy has failed. An allergist as Minister of Finance? Get real. (With apologies to some very smart allergists whom I know.)

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