Monday, June 11, 2012


I am just back from Charlottesville VA and the LOOK3 Festival of the Photo. There were many wonderful photographers, photos, and speakers. Did a two day workshop with Eugene Richards on photographing people. My photos were an unmitigated disaster, but I learned a lot. The class was full of terrific people and everyone was mutually supportive. Some of the work was wonderful, some not so hot. It was good to have all skill levels with everyone being truly interested in each others work. I came home much more committed to getting what work I have done better organized, processed properly, and maybe see about doing a couple of Blurb books this summer. I got a great deal out of the review of Lightroom 4.1 that Julianne Kost did for Adobe. My good buddy Ira rode his new BMW bike from Brooklyn; I have heard from him and he survived the return yesterday.  The chance to see Stanley Greene, Donna Ferrato, and Alex Webb be interviewed and talk about their photographic lives was a gift. Not only these masters, but there were several upcoming Masters that showed work as well. These included Lynsey Addario's conflict photography, Hank Willis Thomas work, Mitch Dobrowner's images of tornadoes, and a truly fascinating series of photos of sounds. Several good parties, saw some old friends, and today feel really drained. I guess my age is beginning to show?

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