Saturday, July 15, 2006

State Owned Produce Stand

In this stand at the produce section of the market are the vendors for the state. The produce comes from state owned and run farms. Hardly anyone shops there. The produce is smaller, more discolored, and is not as fresh as that sold in other stands. As a consequence there are rarely customers shopping. The vendors all seem quite bored and resigned to their situation.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why? I was there in 2001 and found the offerings at one of those open markets very meager, indeed. One has to compare what it's offered in Cuba to what one sees in Mexico or other countries in Latin America and then see the difference between an open society and Cuba's controlled economy.

Unknown said...

See today's picture and the note with it. I think the lack of incentive plays a profound role in making things mediocre. Even if the two vendors end up at the same income, growing and marketing your own produce is a good feeling. Extreme socialism to the extent that it quenches individual ambition and spirit is like all middling processes, a splendid way to create mediocrity.