Thursday, November 24, 2011

Havana Made for Walking!

The three main and least costly modes of transportation in Havana are shown here-the Camello bus called such because of its double humps, the bicitaxi, and the most reliable: one's feet. Fortunately Havana is a relatively flat city so hills are not so bad. It does have dogs tho' and one needs to be observant where they step. It is an easy city to negotiate with a fairly simpler lay-out, and it is like most big cities made for walking. Good and comfortable shoes are a must. Don't worry about your new running shoes labeling you as a tourist, everyone will know that right away. Worry more that they will pinch as you break them in on your trip. Style is not much of a concern day to day in Havana, certainly not near so much as is comfort.

1 comment:

Papaya Segoya said...

If you can email me at or facebook me, I'm trying to find out how to go about purchasing a "Que Bola" photo print for my parents who own a cuban restaurant in Rock Hill, SC. I fell in love with the photos at the art center and it would mean a lot to my mother to have one as well.

Mandie Segui