Friday, April 04, 2008

Gone fishing

People fish in the Bahia all the time. From sun up until late at night they can be seen casting their lines. They do indeed catch fish, sometimes some rather large ones. It is a pretty sight in the early morning when young men and old alike are trying their luck. I for one would probably not fish there nor would I eat anything that came out of the water of the Bahia de Habana. It is considered one of the ten dirtiest harbors in the world. This is another obvious marker of the inability or unwillingness of the government to enforce any regulations regarding what is dumped into the water. It is also an example of how the infrastructure of the city has deteriorated. It will take years and billions of dollars to make the city right. All those who plan to go back to Cuba and reclaim their property perhaps should give this some serious thought. If our government steps into help them, then I hope they are prepared to take similar steps to help those Native Americans who were similarly dispossessed of their land and property.

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