Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ciudad Libertad

This is a picture of the abandoned area in Liberty City which is situated in Miramar. This was an army base under the Batista regime, the headquarters of the army in fact. It was from here that Batista fled once he realized that his rule was over. It was then converted to a school. Part of the old base is now an art school, another part, the old officers' club is the actual school. It has nice rooms, a pool, and is well painted. It is the school that was often shown on TV during the "Elian Gonzalez crisis." There is a secondary school in Liberty City that is attended by students from throughout latin America. Part of the city is abandoned, part is inhabited  by the students. Other than the presence of the young people it is hard to tell much difference between the areas. It will take years to repair the infrastructure in Havana, a very costly undertaking indeed. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool post if you ask me. Thnx a lot for enlightning that data.

Joseph Phillsen
jammer car