Wednesday, January 09, 2013

This bright morning was spent in Regla, across the bay from Old Havana. It is a small village with a special Cathedral that has both Roman Catholic saints and Santera orishas in it. Here is a typical street scene--cool January morning requiring the Cuban flanneur to wear a sweater, and a beautifully restored old car polished to a brilliant shine. I recognize the post card quality of the old cars, but they some times are really cool. This one struck me that way. Today a year ago we were packing up to depart Havana and return to North Carolina after a great trip-good memories.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Monument de San Lazaro

This Cathedral is a fascinating place. We went on a Saturday and there was a good crowd, not overwhelming but enough to make it interesting. Saint Lazarus is the patron saint of lepers, the sick, and those with AIDS. Often depicted as a thin man on crutches, clothed with rags, with leprous sores on his body. It is obvious why a figure as wretched as Lazarus should be petitioned for relief from chronic illness, immobilizing pain, and skin diseases -- but it is also a fact that Lazarus is a favorite saint whose help is sought by those who are poor and in need of money, especially those who hope to receive charitable gifts, government grants, and other forms of philanthropic assistance. To some extent the people who are at the Cathedral reflect this. In the adjacent parking lot there are vendors selling all sorts of kitschy statues, post cards and other trinkets. In mid-December there is a processional of penitents for several miles some of whom walk on their knees while others use small whips or switches to flagellate their backs. Inside many light candles, pray and meditate.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Stilt Walkers in Plaza Vieja--Januasry 6, 2012

On the afternoon of January 6, 2012,  there was a large festival in Plaza Vieja, the heart of Old Havana.  These are a few of the stilt walkers who were roaming around the Plaza having a fun time. There was a distinct Santeria flavor as many were in the colors of the various Orishas. The music was great, the people were happy, there was good behavior all around. As you see here, these guys and gals are able to dance on their stilts.