Saturday, February 18, 2006

Morning Traffic in Trinidad

Trinidad hums in the morning. People are out on the street walking, visiting, having their coffee. There are a lot of these sidecar/motor cycles in use. They were imported by the Russians and many remain functional, especially out in the country side. This city has had a fair amount of restoration, the entire place having been declared a"World Heritage Center". It is friendly, almost too much so. The advent of tourists coming by the bus loads has promoted the growth of jineteros, hustlers, who offer lodging, meals, cigars, rum, and other delights to the tourist. The jineteros are mainly middle men, or agents, rarely is there any vilient crime. There is a growing amount of petty crime- purses, cameras, small handbags and backpacks being snatched-as there is in every tourist area in the world, third or otherwise.

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